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Graupner 1761 SCHOTTEL DRIVE UNIT - GRA1761
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Graupner 1761 SCHOTTEL DRIVE UNIT - GRA1761
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Price: CAD$149.98

Stock Status:2

Item Number: GRA1761

The Schottel drive unit, developed by the Schottel company, is a typical power unit installed on many types of working vessel such as tugs, ferries and buoy layers.
The power of the drive motor is transmitted to the propeller, which is able to swivel.
This arrangement alters the angle of thrust of the power unit directly, i.e. the flow is not deflected by a rudder, and this makes the Schottel drive unit a highly efficient design.
Our Schottel drive unit I emulates the functions and construction of the full-size system: the swivel range is 2 x 90º if a 2 x 45º servo is used.
The drive unit is designed for the use of SPEED 500 to SPEED 600 motors with a maximum output power of 50 Watts.
The shafts are made of V2A stainless steel, and run in ballraces in the more heavily stressed areas; the other bearings take the form of high-quality metal bushes.
The Kort nozzle of the drive unit is attached to the motor by means of a locking device, making it a simple job to remove and clean the propeller if it gets soiled.
The dimensions of the unit are virtually identical to those of its predecessor,
Order No. 1775, and this means that it can easily be installed in the same models, e.g. the SEABEX ONE.
It is also a good choice for the PARAT tug if you prefer not to install the Voith-Schneider drive unit.

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