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Hi-Voltage Capable This charger features a Hi-Voltage LiHV mode that allows you to safely charge Hi-Voltage LiHV capable batteries. You can adjust the charging end voltage of this mode up to 4.40V per cell, which is considerably higher than 4.20V per cell of an ordinary LiPo battery. Charging at this higher end voltage requires a Hi-Voltage LiHV capable battery, but the power gains are significant to the overall punch and power for the R/C model. But please note: battery voltages exceeding 4.20V per cell is prohibited from sanctioned racing rules, such as ROAR, IFMAR, etc.Prodigy 610 QUAD AC Features:
NOTE: To determine if this charger is suitable for your application, you must perform this calculation to determine the maximum amp rate the charger can supply. Divide the Watts of the charger by the Voltage of the battery pack. This will tell you the maximum amp rate the charger can deliver (Watts / Voltage = Amps). So using the 612 QUAD AC as an example and a 6S LiPo battery pack, would be 100 Watts divided by 22.2 Volts, which equals 4.5 Amps. This means that the charger can supply a maximum of 4.5 amps to a 22.2 Volt 6S battery. This amp rate will gradually reduce as the battery voltage increases during the charge cycle.